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"Homer: Ritual Performance and Popular Theology"
Ian Silva
"Out of Roman Time: Temporal Displacement in Cicero's Letters and Vergil's Eclogues and Aeneid"


"The Transmission of Fault: Heredity Between Medicine and Theology"
"Songs of Subjection: Slavery and Vergil's Eclogues"
William Dingee
"The Scripted World of Petronius's Satyrica"
Bryson Sewell
"A Commentary on the Preface, Chapter One, and Chapter Two of Gregory of Corinth's Treatise ΠΕΡI ΔΙΑΛEΚΤΩΝ (DE DIALECTIS)"


Frances Bernstein
"Writing the Edge: Vergil and his Limits"
René de Nicolay
"The Origins of Licence: Excessive Freedom in Ancient Political Philosophy"


"Rulership in the Making: Greece, Anatolia, and the Levant, 12th-6th Cent. BC"
"Roman Women on the Home Front in the Second Punic War"


"The Poetics of Horror in Lucan's Bellum Civile and Statius' Thebaid"
"Greek Cosmology and it's Bronze Age Background"
"The Witness in Ancient Greece and Beyond"
"Euripides, Moderniste: Tragic Adaptation and Avant-Guard Classicism in the Twentieth Century"
"The Leges Iuliae: Augustus, The Law, And The New Order"
Aviv Rosenblatt
"Platonic Matters: On The Relation Between The Sensible And Intelligible Worlds In Plato, Aristotle And Plotinus"
Thomas Wilson
"Siblings and the Fraternal Imaginary in Roman Republican Literature"
Xiaoxi Zhang
"Cicero’s Marital Strategies:Some Case Studies"


Emma Curran
"Lucretian Lyric: Allusion and Appropriation in Horace's Odes"
Alicia Ejsmond-Frey
"Fifth-Century Athenian Imperialism and the Beginnings of Democracy in Western Asia Minor"
"Preface to Herodotus: The Prehistory of Prose in the Archaic Age"
Erik Fredericksen
"The Environmental Poetry Of Augustan Rome"
Emily Hulme Kozey
"Philosophia and Philotechnia: The Techne Theme in the Platonic Dialogues"
Richard Hutchins
"Lucretius Against Human Exceptionalizm"
Alexander Petkas
"Synesius of Cyrene and the Politics of the Late Antique Philosophical Letter"
Carolyn Tobin
"Cutthroats and Profiteers: The Beneficiaries of Sulla in Roman Italy"


"Fragmented Histories: Recent and Distant Pasts in Early Roman Historiography"
"Uncertain Beginnings: Childbirth and Risk in the Roman World"
Anna Dolganov
"Empire of Law: Legal Culture and Imperial Rule in the Roman Province of Egypt"
"Chorality and Lyric Thought in Greek Tragedy"
"Scandals and Sanctions: Holding Roman Officials Accountable (202-49 B.C.)"
Caroline Mann
"Religious Transgression in the Roman Republic"
"Satyrplay as Genre"
"Antiquity in Dark Times: Classical Reception in the Thought of Theodor Adorno and Erich Auerbach"
"The Invention of Duty: Stoicism as Deontology"
Clem Wood
"Exemplarity in Tacitus: Literary, Cultural, and Political Contexts"


Hanna Golab
"Postclassical Choral Performances"
"Loss and the Boundaries of the Self in Statius’ Silvae"


"An Improbable symphony: Genealogy, Paternity, and Identity in Heliodorus' Aethiopica"
"Aristophanes, Posthumanism, and the Roots of Science Fiction"
"Ovid's Metamorphoses and the Scientific Revolution"
"Sex and Slavery in the Roman World"
"The New Science: Herodotus' Historical Inquiry and Presocratic Philosophy"
"The Greek Dramatic Festivals Under the Roman Empire"
Wei Wang
"Aristotle on Unmoved Mover and Its Necessity"
Jessica Wright
"Brain and Soul in Late Antiquity"


"Persa: Introduction and Commentary"
"Solitude and Imagination: Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Propertius"
"Methodius of Olympus' Symposium, Imperial Greek Literature and the Aesthetics of Hope"
"Copia Verborum: Cicero's Philosophical Translations"


Virginia Clark
"Landscapes of Conquest: Space, Place, and Environment in Livy's Ab Urbe Condita"
Danielle Meinrath
"Leading (And Reading) by Example:  Exemplarity in Ovid's Metamorphoses"
"Trends in Early Epigram"
"The Early Cynic Tradition: Shaping Diogenes' Character"
"The Oversubtle Maxim Chasers: Aristophanes, Euripides, and their Reciprocal Pursuit of Poetic Identity"


"Seneca: The World According to Nature"
"Love, Compassion and Other Vices: A History of the Stoic Theory of the Emotions"
"The Hellenistic Past in Plutarch's Lives"
"Drastic Measures: Meter and the Birth of Book Lyric in Greece and Rome"
"The Autobiographical Community: Local Historiography in Classical and Hellenistic Greece"


"Horace and the Greek Language: Aspects of Literary Bilingualism"
"Cultural Exchange in Roman Society: Freed Slaves and Social Values"
Aikaterini Tsolakidou
"The Helix of Dionysus: Musical Imagery in Later Euripidean Drama"
John A. Tully
"Networks, Hegemony, and Multipolarity in the Hellentistic Cyclades"


"The Chorus in Dialogue: Reading Lyric Exchanges in Greek Tragedy"
"Female Religious Officials in Republican Rome"
"Telling Troy: The Narrative Functions of Troy in Roman Poetry"
Jennifer Mann
"The Moral Psychology of Sincerity in Fifth-Century Athens"
"Script and Song in Pindar and Aeschylus"


"Aesopic Lives: Greek Imperial Literature and Urban Popular Culture"
"Bribery in Classical Athens"
"Civis Romana: Women and Civic Identity in Livy, Auc I"


"The Roman State's Response to Local Resistance"
"Rethinking Roman Religion: Action, Practice, and Belief"
"Great Expectations: The Poetry and Poetics of Inspired Prophecy"
"Philosophy and Community in Seneca's Prose"
"Narratives of Cultural Pessimism in Horace's Odes and Epodes"


"Vestigia Cladis: The Afterlife of Defeat in the Roman Historical Imagination"
Dana Fields
"The Rhetoric of Parrhesia in Roman Greece"
"Ideology and Community in Caesar's Bellum Civile"
"Restoring the Treasury of Mind: The Practical Knowledge of the Natural History"
"The Many-Headed Muse: Tradition and Innovation in Fourth-Century B.C. Greek Lyric Poerty"
"Plotinus on the Passions"
"Language, Thought, and Reality in Aristotle's De Interpretatione and De Anima"
Nadejda Popov-Reynolds
"Soldier Speech Acts in Greek and Roman Literature and Society"
"Rome's Own Sibyl: The Sibylline Books in the Roman Republic and Early Empire"
"Skill, Exchange and Common-Knowledge: Studies on Craftsmen and Craftsmanship in Democratic Athens"
Marie Louise von Glinski
"Likeness and Identity: The Problem of the Simile in Ovid's Metamorphoses"


"The Empire Strikes Back: Roman and Other in the Histories of Tacitus"
"Defending Democracy: A Study of Ancient Greek Anti-Tyranny Legislation"


"Calendar Girls: Women, Genre, and Roman Identity in Ovid's Fasti"
"Towards the 'Great Man': Individuals and Groups as Agents of Historical Change in Classical Greece"
"Reinventing Epic: Traditional Poetry and the Annales of Quintus Ennius"
"Divine Providence: Origins, Context, and Significance of the Stoic Theory"
Nicholas Rynearson
"Socratic Erotic Expertise: From Socrates' Erôtikê Technê to Plato's Textual Seduction"


"Philos and Polites: The Symposion and the Origins of the Polis"


Peter Burk
"Festival Piety and Convival Play: Theocritus' Idylls in Their Contemporary Performance Contexts"
Joshua Reynolds
"Inquiries into Signs and Sign-Inference in Greek Literature before Aristotle"
"Allusive Characterization from Apolloniuis to Statius"


Paolo Asso
"Myth and History in Lucan’s African Interlude: A Commentary on Bellum Civile"
"Propemptikon and Circumstance: The Performance Context of the Departure Speech"
"Koinon and Loinonia: Mechanisms and Structures of Political Collectivity in Classical and Hellenistic Greece"


"Studies in Early Greek Colometry: Traditional Techniques of Composition and Word Placement in Archaic Epic and Other Verse"
Edward Gutting
"Conjugal and Erotic Love in the Aeneid"
"The Work of Poetry and the Poetics of Work: Women's Performances at Work in Early Greek Literature"
Christopher Lee
"Defining the Holy: Visions of the Ascetic in Late Antiquity"


Kasia Allen
"Philobarbarism: A study in Greek Interchanges with the Non-Greeks in the Fourth Century BCE"
"Supplementing Homer: Creativity and Conjecture in Ancient Homer Criticism"
Kenneth Trethewey
"The Image of Scipio Africanus, 235-201BC: A Resource for the Study of Roman Cultural Change During the Middle Republic"


"Litterae Togatae: Studies in the Semantics and Sociology of Roman Republican Literary Practices"
"Luxury and Austerity: india in the Roman Imperial Imagination"
Erika Thorgerson
"The Vita Augustini of Possidius: The Remaking of Augustine for a Post-Augustinian World"
"Carmen Et Res: The Poetics of Latin Didactic (Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid)"


"A Genealogy of 'Greed' in Classical Athens"
Juan F. Garcia
"The Poetic Language of Early Greek Choral Lyric: Origin and Development"
Sarah Harrell
"Cultural Geography of East and West: Literary Representations of Archaic Sicilian Tyranny and Cult"
Susan Lape
"Menandrian Comedy and Democracy in Early Hellenistic Athens"
Alison Orlebeke
"Aspects of Innovation in Propertius' Third Book"
Velvet Yates
"Madman, Sophist, and Imitator: Plato's Strategies for Representing the Poet"


Katharine Derderian
"Leaving Words to Remember: The Homeric Lament, the Archaic Grave Epigram, and the Advent of Literacy"
Katherine Eldred
"Reading Violence in Lucan's Pharsalia"
"Exile in Greek political Development and Historical Imagination"
"A Dangerous Liberty and a Servitude Free from Care: Political ELEUTHERIA and DOULEIA in Procopius of Caesarea and Thucydides of Athens"
"Voyage and Progress: Studies in the Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus"


Mark Becker
"Greek culture and the Ideology of Roman Empire in Cicero's Verrine Orations"
"Nefas, Desire and Spectacle in Statius' Thebaid"
"Wisdom and Happiness in Herodotus' Histories"


William Kerr
"A Chronological Study of the Marcomannic Wars of Marcus Aurelius"
"Sergius of Rusafa: Sacred Defense in Late Antique Syria-Mesopotamia"
"Valens and the Fourth Century Empire"
John A. Palmer, III
"Aspects of Plato's Reception of Parmenides"
"Aristophanes in Modern Greece: From Textual Reception to Performance Dialectics"


André P.M.H. Lardinois
"Wisdom in Context: The Use of Gnomic Statements in Archaic Greek Poetry"
Kathleen McCarthy
"Masterful Inventions: The Art of Authority in Plautine Comedy"
Daniel Mendelshon
"Altered States: Gender and the Theater of Civic Identity in Euripides' Political Plays"
"The Persuasion of Style: Helen and Odysseus in Court and Theater"


Tad Brennan
"Ethics and Epistemology in Empiricus"
"Livy's Use of Exempla and the lessons of the Past"
"Athens and the Conquest of Salamis: Crisis, Competition and innovation in the Saronic Gulf"
Ronald Cluett
"The Posthumous Reputation of Pompey the Great"
"Talking Trojan: The Theme of inconclusive Conflict in the Iliad"


"The Indirect Historian: The Depiction of Group Character in Polybius' Histories 1-6"
"Delphic Narratives: Reconstextulizing the Pythia and her Prephesies"
"The Feast of Poetry; Sacrifice, Foundation and Performance in Aristophanic Comedy"


Andrew Keller
"Comic Wisdom: Aristophanes and Plato"
Jeffrey Purinton
"Epicurus' Libertarian Atomism"
"The Tragedy of Power: Myth, Memory, and Hegemony in the Theater of Aischylos"
Ralph Smith
"Language Behavior in Old and New Comedy: Some Applications of Discourse Analysis to a Study of Aristophanes' Clouds and Menander's Dyscolos"
W. Duncan Stalker
"The Role of the Etruscans in Virgil's Aeneid"
"Repetition, Continuity and Closure in Ovid's Metamorphoses"


Kathryn Argetsinger
"Dies Natales: Self, patron, and City in Roman Religion"