Visiting Scholars


Our department hosts a number of visitors, from both the US and abroad, who wish to profit from Princeton’s excellent library resources as well as our permanent community of scholars. Anyone interested in visiting for study or research should be aware, however, that long term visits require an official appointment from the Dean of the Faculty, in the case of post-doctoral or senior research collaborators, or application to the graduate school for pre-doctoral visitors. 

Visiting Fellow

A visiting fellow is a scholar in possession of a doctorate or equivalent qualification who applies to come to Princeton for no less than one month and no longer than two consecutive semesters to work with a specified Princeton faculty member on a research project that grows out of a specific collaboration or mutual research interest.

If you are interested in a long-term visit to Princeton, you should contact both the individual faculty member(s) with whom you would like to work or who will act as sponsor, and the chair of the department, with as much advanced notice as possible. You should include your CV, and a statement of academic interest, including dates of proposed stay and purpose of study/research. The statement should also include an explanation of what specific Princeton resources are necessary for you to conduct this research.

Visiting Student Research Collaborator (VSRC)

A Vsiting Student Research Collaborator (VSRC) is an advanced degree candidate at another institution who applies to come to Princeton as a short-term, non-degree student to work with a specified Princeton faculty member on a research project that grows out of a specific collaboration or mutual research interest.

VSRC’s are charged a fee of around $850 monthly for the period of their visit.

Visiting Student

“Visiting Students”, are eligible to take courses, but are charged full tuition for every semester of their visit.

Please contact both the Director of Graduate Studies and the faculty member proposed as a collaborator or sponsor as soon as possible in advance of your visit if you would like to be considered for one of these statuses. See also:

Those planning briefer or more casual visits to Princeton for the purposes of study or research may find it helpful to consult the University Library’s access policies:

Current Visitors

Visiting Faculty

A full listing can be found within the faculty section.