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Wondering what Classics majors do after Princeton? Read Alumni Spotlights to learn what our alumni have been doing since graduation and their plans for the future.

Our concentrators have gone on to flourish in a range of careers, including finance, law, medicine, non-profit work, public affairs, publishing, and teaching. They have won major national and international fellowships and graduated from the top graduate and professional programs in the US and abroad. They are leaders in their fields and occupy prestigious positions around the world.

Evidence is growing that a degree in Classics is a valuable asset generally. Nationwide studies have shown that Classics majors are among the most successful applicants to law school and gain admission to medical school at a higher rate than majors in the biological sciences. They routinely score in the highest percentiles of the GREs.

Our alumni also report that their training in Classics has shaped their lives in more subtle and enriching ways, helping them to understand their own assumptions about the world and their place in contemporary society, to grasp the mindsets of others and respect different perspectives, and to develop a passion to keep learning independently.