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Elena Muñiz-Grijalvo

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Elena Muñiz-Grijalvo is Professor of Ancient History at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla), and director of a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies. She has worked on different aspects of Greek religion in Roman times, and has recently focused on religious experience in community building in the Greek cities of the empire. On this topic she is currently leading the research project "Celebrations of the Roman Empire from the provinces" (2022-2025). She has also devoted numerous studies to the development of the Isiac cults in the Mediterranean from Hellenistic to Roman times. Her books and edited volumes include Himnos a Isis (Madrid: Trotta, 2006), La cristianización de la religiosidad pagana (Madrid: Actas, 2008), Ruling the Greek world (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2015), Empire and religion: Religious Change in Greek Cities under Roman Rule (Leiden: Brill, 2017), Processions and the Construction of Communities in Antiquity (London & New York: Routledge, 2023), and Understanding Integration in the Roman World (Leiden: Brill, 2023).