Prentice Lecture (2024) - Patrice Rankine - Theater and Crisis
Faber Lecture (2024) - Kurt Smolak - "Flentem Dicere Verum" On non-satirical Latin Satires
Fagles Lecture 2023 - A.E. Stallings - "Homer's Hippiad"
AI@Princeton: Barbara Graziosi PLI Launch Talk
Prentice Lecture - Karen ní Mheallaigh - "The Moon and the Map in the Ancient World"
Rebecca Flemming - Galen on Race, Health and Disease: Medicine and Empire in the Roman World
Fagles Lecture - Kamila Shamise, Antigone of Pakistan
Fagles Lecture - Mary Alice Zimmerman
Chris van den Berg Lecture - Forecast Eyes: Rhythm, Vision, and Philosophy in Cicero's Orator
Roger Bagnall: Roman Names and Roman Citizenship in Egypt
Faber Lectures
Prentice Lectures
Mythmaking: Celebrating the Work of Froma I. Zeitlin
Conference held in honor of Froma I. Zeitlin on May 8, 2010.