Event Subtitle / Short Description
Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 22nd to [email protected]
Speaker & Affiliation
Under the auspices of the Racing the Classics initiative, and with the generous support of the Department, Sasha-Mae Eccleston (Brown) and I will hold a workshop and moderated conversation with Fagles Lecturer Ishion Hutchinson next Friday (October 25) at 9:00am, The event is intended to capitalize not only on Ishion Hutchinson’s presence on campus but on the Princeton Poetry Festival’s kick-off that same day.
The morning of the 25th, we’ll be convening in East Pyne 161. Breakfast will be available beginning at 8:30am. The workshop will begin at 9am and break at 11am, for lunch and to allow participants to make their way over to Berlind Theater for the opening sessions of the Poetry Festival (if they wish). We plan to reconvene at 4:30pm in EP 161 (after the Festival’s opening panels wrap up) for a second conversation and closing discussion.
As many of you know, Racing the Classics launched in 2018 with a conference on our campus—envisioned as the first step in a long-term commitment to building up a durable infrastructure for scholarship on critical theories of race in classics and classics-adjacent fields. Follow-up to that conference included a reading workshop at Warwick this past spring. For this iteration of RtC, we’re interested in thinking collaboratively about the role of poetry and poetics in elucidating (and recasting) the racial structures of Classics as discipline.