Page title

"Ovidian Renovations And Renaissances"

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Lunch Lecture


March 30, 2018

Event Subtitle / Short Description

RSVP by Monday, March 26th to: [email protected]

Speaker & Affiliation

Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge)


12:00 pm
161 East Pyne



"Metamorphosis and/as *renouatio*

"In noua fert": the first three words of Ovid's *Metamorphoses* identify novelty as a central theme of the poem on changes. This talk focuses on a particular kind of change-as-novelty, the making new of re-novation. A survey of the uses of renovation in the *Metamorphoses* is followed by, firstly, consideration of Ovidian renovation as a response to Virgilian themes of renewal and rebirth, and, secondly, an examination of Ovidian renovations in late antique Latin poetry on both imperial and Christian subject-matters.