Classics undergraduates sweep New York Classical Club contests

May 16, 2024

Princeton Classics congratulates concentrator Laurie Drayton '26 on winning the New York Classical Club's Greek Oral Reading Contest! In addition, prospective Classics major Noah Dorn '27 took first place in both the Greek and Latin undergraduate sight translation contests. For their accomplishments, the winners will be recognized at the Spring meeting of the New York Classical Club.

Princeton Classics sends its congratulations to Classics concentrator Laurie Drayton '26 for winning the New York Classical Club's Greek Oral Reading Contest! 

Panelists Lisa Mignone (NYU), Katharina Volk (Columbia), and Kristin Webster (Nightingale-Bamford School) judged Laurie's submission the finest recitation of Sappho 1. The prize comes with a $300 award, which Laurie supplements with another $100 for a third place finish in the corresponding Latin Oral Reading contest, reciting an excerpt of Catullus 64. 

In addition, prospective Classics major Noah Dorn '27 took first place in both the Greek and Latin undergraduate sight translation contests. Administered by David Sider (NYU), examinations consisted of one prose and one poetry passage; Cicero and Virgil are typical authors for the Latin exam, while the Greek exam often focuses on tragedy and Attic prose.  

For their accomplishments, the winners will be recognized at the Spring meeting of the New York Classical Club. Last year, Princeton Classics senior Grant Bruner '23 received both translation prizes, while Laurie placed second in both.

Laurie's winning recitation can be viewed in video form on the New York Classical Club website.